Sunday, November 15, 2009

When should i start shaving?

when should i start shaving????

well im 15 years old and I've already started shaving my sideburns,chin(below) but i haven't shaved my mustache yet. my mustache is kinda noticeable but it doesn't look like the type of facial hair grown men looks like little hairs(i guess that's what people call peach fuzz)...oh and also how and/or when will my facial hair will start to grow like the older men's does....

When should i start shaving?

Your hair will actually start growing like other men's facial hair in little spurts, and it will probably look uneven at first. A cure to this IS shaving. If you start shaving your face, the hair will grow in thicker faster, but only do it if you want the responsibility of shaving right now; it can become annoying at times.

When should i start shaving?

r u a gurl or a boy!!

bcuz if u a gurl lmao!! ok...

if ur a boy then ur waaaay late!!! u should start now!!!

lets just hope ur mommy lets :]]]

When should i start shaving?

It takes different time for different people. My boyfriend is 20 and he still has parts that don't grow. It looks funny when he tries to grow it out though heh. Don't worry about it though it will happen soon enough.

When should i start shaving?

you should probably shave your upper lip unless it complements your features.

and you should start shaving when you have unwanted facial hair. that's all there is to it

When should i start shaving?

I see your name is Pablo. I understand that hispanic young men start when they are 15.

When should i start shaving?

When you are 15, you can't wait to start shaving, and think dark stubble and 5 o'clock shadow will be cool. Once you're there, you realize that this is something you have to do almost every day for the rest of your life (if you don't grow a beard, that is), and frankly, it's a pain in the ***.

My advice to you is the same advice my father gave me (and which I ignored): Put off shaving as long as you can. Only shave your moustache if you are self-conscious about how you look. Don't do you sideburns or chin unless it's REALLY necessary. Incidently, your beard will probably darken (depending on your hair colour) and thicken soon enough after you start shaving regularly (but like I say, put it off if you can). I hope these ideas help.

When should i start shaving?

I would start shaving the peach fuzz once you want to get a bigger moustache. and i really don't know to the 2nd question cause i've only been shaving for like less than 1/2 a year. And I'm 1/2 asian and 1/2 mexican and look at my answer.

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