I was growing good and was 5'7 at the beginning of 10th grade. I was supposed to be 5-10 to 5-11 I had like 15 hairs on my chin that grew fast. Then i didn't grow any the next 2 years and the facial hair started to not come back after shaving. Now i am 18 and have no facial hair and am not any taller. WTF is wrong with me.
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
some kids dont finish the growning until the second year in college...
if you are concerned, make sure you are not using any meds or products tea tree etc, that can cause some feminizing, but
if really concerned go get checked by your dr. and save that money you are not spending on razor blades
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
Nothing is wrong,you just stop growing. If you feel scared talk to your doc. But you probably just fine.
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
I don't think you regressed you probably just stopped or hit a plateau. Same thing happened to me in 6th grade. Usually big events in a kids life can slow it down. Like my parents got divorced and was a huge issue for me so I stopped and didn't start again until now, which is three years ago.
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
Consult an endocrinologist.
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
at this time and age, i think nutrtion is important as well. make sure you eat well and get plenty of protein, carbs, and milk to your daily intake. you can't grow if you have no nutrition for your body to take in.
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
your hieght isnt a science. I should have been 5'10 -6' and i m female but life happens and i am shorter. My dr told my parents that when i was young. Dont worry i grow my last inches in 20's. I wouldnt complain about face hair hun. besides why is it important to you? take it easy!
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
So many things determine our genetics. However, 5'10" is normal, unless everyone else in your family is tall. Even then, no health problem may exist. You would be extremely happy over not having any facial hair after you had shaved every day, sometimes twice a day for 20 plus years. If you are feeling good, have normal energy levels, and have no symptoms of illness, I sure wouldn't worry about the hair thing. If you are not feeling well, or you are concerned about your height, then a visit to the family doctor is most likely in order.
WHy have i regressed in Puberty?
Is your fam eating organic food or cutting out all dairy products and substituting soy products? That can affect development such as facial and other hair, but it only delays it. You need to speak with a doctor, an endocrinologist possibly would be a good start. Good luck.
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