Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Please help?

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair and am about 158-162 pounds?

im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair and am about 158-162 pounds. i am hoping to reach a height of atleast 6'4. my parents are about 5'7 and 6'2.5. my dad who is 6'2.5 has a mom of about 5'3 and a dad of 5;10. my 21 yr old sister is about 5;7.5. im wondering if i will reach my desired height and gain weight. could i still be in puberty due to the lack of facial hair, chest, jair, and arm hair. i do have pubes lol, arm pit hair, and little leg hair, but i think i could grow till past my 20s. also i drink loads of milk and eat tons of food maybe 4000 cals a day. and although i am underweight i am extremely strong. bench 170 for 10 reps, and 235 max help me please.

Please help?

Well, it's hard for anyone to say if you will reach your goal height without seeing into the future. However, it is still possible for you.

Lots of people can grow a few inches taller than their tall parent but it is not always a given (for one, I am shorter than my father). Males generally can (but not always) continue to grow (heightwise) until up to age 25 or so. Genetics certainly play a huge role in this. You will certainly gain weight, you don't have to worry about that. Just give it time. As you age, your metabolism slows down so packing 4000 calories a day for now may be okay but when you're 50 putting in 4000 calories a day would be murder to your waist unless you are a bodybuilder. However, it sounds like you are a weightlifter. If you want to maximize your height, you should ideally lay off the weightlifting until you are older. It is true that lifting weights stunts your growth (heightwise). If you can wait, hold off on this until you are sure you won't grow any more. If perhaps you're on the basketball team and you are required to lift, then, maybe you should seek the doctor's advice on what to do.

It's nice that you drink loads of milk, but the most important thing that you need to do is make sure you get enough sleep. Any growth in height your body makes as it is maturing is in your sleep. Kids who don't sleep enough will not maximize their height either.

As for all those things on the internet that promote height growth (herbs and stuff) I don't know of anyone personally who has used them but the manufacturers (and their clients' testimonials) insist they work. It's up to you if you want to try them as I cannot vouch for them either way.

I know everyone wants results right away but at this time, you should think about what you want more--height or muscle and go the appropriate direction. And again, consult with your doctor if need be.

I wish you success though. Good luck.

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