Friday, November 13, 2009

Dominant and Recessive Traits?

My father has facial hair, but he doesn't have a complete beard. He grew a lot of facial hair around the upper lip and chin area, but didn't grow much around the cheek area. I don't know if that is normal or just a growth issue caused by low levels of testosterone. Could it be caused by dominant and recessive traits? So, I am wondering if I (16 years old) will have more facial hair or less facial hair?

Is more facial hair dominant or recessive?

Dominant and Recessive Traits?

Not all genes are dominant or recessive, and a recessive gene may not always come out in the next generation e.g. your children could express a recessive trait but not yourself.

I posted some links below about how genes impact hair growth on your head, your beard and facial hair is different though.

Dominant and Recessive Traits?

Depends on what genes you received from your relatives.

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